Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education

Personal Social, Health & Economic Education

Relationship and Sex Education

At Freethorpe Primary School, we recognise the importance of developing Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural opportunities within all areas of the curriculum and throughout the school day.  Lessons are planned and delivered with SMSC opportunities included within them and assemblies and visitors to the school provide further enrichment of SMSC opportunities within our school.

PSHE provision covers curriculum guidelines and also includes RSE and Drugs Education lessons.  Teachers personalise the PSHE curriculum for the needs of their class and we run annual parents forums before delivering some elements of the PSHE curriculum, to gather parent’s views and ensure our curriculum is responsive to the needs of our whole school community.

Throughout the school, PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) lessons are taught.  These sessions help children’s emotional literacy skills to be developed, as well as the development of children’s thinking skills and problem skills.  Pupils work independently in PATHS sessions but also collaboratively with fellow peer group during paired work and whole class discussions.  PATHS lessons also include choosing a PATHS pupil of the day and compliments sessions.


RSE policy (Relationships and Sex Education) 2019