Our vision, ethos and aims

The Together Federation

Inspiring creative learners

“Together, we believe happy children learn, so we deliver learning in creative ways. Our children develop a passion for free-thinking, inspiring them to become life-long learners.”


Our staff give pupils ‘The Together Experience’ … Building confidence, self esteem and a love of learning first, clearing the path for everyone to make the most of their potential and leave us ready to be happy and successful in their lives.

We all wish to work together to:

  • Help children to become thinkers: individuals who can make informed decisions and develop lively, inquiring minds
  • Nurture every individual: to provide them with a stimulating environment that gives opportunities for healthy, physical development and expression.
  • Enable children to acquire knowledge and the skills that will help them lead full and useful lives
  • Help everyone to respect the views of others; to respect their own and other cultures, people and races; ensuring that high expectations of behaviour are maintained by all involved with the school.
  • Encourage good manners, awareness of others and the ability to become more independent in all that we do.
  • Help children to understand the World in which they live, prepare for the future and enjoy the present; allowing everyone a time for quiet, for reflection and appreciation of creation and wonder in everything that is around them
  • Motivate all children to ensure that every child achieves as well as they can in all subjects and in all that they do; to enjoy challenges.

We will work to achieve these aims by:

  • Providing a variety of learning and social opportunities and a curriculum that is appropriate to each child’s ability and needs.
  • Providing opportunities for children to develop their skills of investigation, enquiry, communication and co-operation.
  • Promoting the dignity, value and status of all through equality of opportunity regardless of gender, race or ability.
  • Creating rich, stimulating and exciting learning opportunities based on the requirements of the National Curriculum, developing cross-curricular opportunities, which enhance learning even further.
  • Ensuring that all learning opportunities are suitably differentiated so that all can achieve at their own individual level.
  • Ensuring that all children have the right to protection and promotion of heir own welfare, regardless of age, gender, race, culture or disability.  They have the right to be safe in our school.