School Performance Data

2018 End of Year Results:

Freethorpe Community Primary and Nursery School

Useful links:
Freethorpe Community Primary and Nursery School Data
DFE Compare School Performance Data

At the end of EYFS/Reception pupils are assessed by the school. The data below indicates the % of pupils who achieved a “good level of development”. This is the expected standard for children at the end of Reception.

At the end of Year 1 pupils participate in the Phonic screening. If a child does not achieve the expected standard within Year 1 they are re-screened in Year 2.

Year 2 is the end of Key Stage 1 and pupils are assessed within school for reading, writing and maths. The data below shows the % of pupils achieving the expected standard (or above) and then those achieving greater depth. These  % can be compared with the Norfolk and National data recorded alongside them.

At the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6), children are tested against the objectives of the new National Curriculum. Reading, Writing and SPAG scores are based on tests taken in May, whilst Writing assessments are based on pupils’ work over the course of Year 6. The schools’ results can be compared to other schools within the county as well as nationally, based on this year’s data. The Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) test was introduced in 2013. Schools do not measure progress in SPAG in the same way as in Reading, Writing or Maths because the children did not undergo a SPAG assessment in Key Stage 1 (Year 2).

Early Years/Reception:

School: Norfolk: National:
Attaining a “good level of development” 83 72 72


Years 1 and 2 Phonics:

  School: Norfolk: National:
% passing phonic screening test in Y1 78 80 82


End of KS1/Year 2 Final Assessments:

Subject: School % making the expected standard : Norfolk % making the expected standard: National % making the expected standard: School % working at greater depth: Norfolk % working at greater depth: National % working at greater depth:
Reading 65 73 75 23 25 26
Writing 71 67 70 13 12 16
Maths 77 74 76 3 20 22
Combined R,W&M 61 62 65 20 9 12

End of KS2/Year 6 SATS:


Subject: School % making the expected standard: Norfolk % making the expected standard: National % making the expected standard: School % working at greater depth: Norfolk % working at greater depth: National % working at greater depth: Average Progress

(0 is the national median):

Reading 81 72 75 31 25 28 1.5
Writing 94 75 78 13 16 20 0.6
Maths 81 71 76 25 18 24 -0.3
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar 88 71 78 19 25 34
Combined R,W&M 75% 59% 64% 6% 7% 10%