Our Nursery is open for the following sessions, Monday to Friday:
Morning session from 8.45 am to 11.45 am
Lunchtime session from 11.45 am to 12.30pm
Afternoon session from 12.30 to 3.30pm
The Governing Body has agreed that any available sessions, over and above the current 15 hours free weekly provision will be chargeable.
Non-funded sessions are charged at:
£11.40 for 3-4 year olds and £2.80 Lunch club
£12.00 for 2 year olds and £3.00 Lunch club
Extended hours before or after school;
£4.50 per hour for 2 yr olds.
£3.50 per hour for 3 & 4 yr olds.
Following an inspection in January 2016 Ofsted recognised that Early Years provision is good;
‘Children enjoy their learning in the early years from the age of two. They are well cared for and adults provide for their individual needs. From the moment children enter the school they are well looked after and cared for. This ensures that they settle quickly, listen well to each other and adults, developing their enjoyment of learning and self-confidence. Adults are skilled and kind in helping children develop good relationships with each other and with the adults in both the Nursery and Reception classes. As a result, children learn well together, sharing and taking turns with increasing skill.’
For more information about our Nursery please follow the following links:
Policies and Procedures on Policy Section of the main school website.
Email: nursery@freethorpe.norfolk.sch.uk