About Us

Freethorpe Primary School (2-11) is set on the edge of Freethorpe village: with children coming to the school from other village communities including Halvergate, Tunstall, Wickhampton and Limpenhoe.We also offer Nursery provision in a Governor-led Pre-school on site.  As well as this staff and parents have set up their own Toddler Group (Freethorpe School Stay and Play), in school, for parents and carers with younger age pupils.  We provide child-care provision and learning for children in the area from the age of 2 to 11.

There are currently 176 pupils plus 25 in Nursery on roll.  As well as a large playground area, the school has specialist role play and physical development spaces for Nursery and Reception pupils. Our grounds have also been developed into a wonderful outdoor classroom environment, with paths, trees, wild flowers teeming with wildlife.

A Love of Learning and developing individual knowledge and skills are at the heart of the broad education that our school provides.  Values such as friendship, respect, care and compassion are an important part of how we learn together in school.  Our school’s aim is for every child, in partnership with the parents, carers and the community, to achieve their best and to be able to develop their own diverse talents.  We do this by offering a rich and varied curriculum which celebrates the area in which we live, whilst providing opportunities to explore the wider world.  We are a National Healthy School, supporting all areas of child development, but we also recognise the importance of the contribution that the pupils themselves make in the school: school council members contribute to the decision making process of the school, we have trained Peer Mediators and Playground buddies.

The school has built close ties with the local villages, including sports groups such as Freethorpe FC, Halvergate Cricket Club, Halvergate Bowls and Acle tennis club as well as the local churches.

Parents and Carers play a vital role in the success of our school.

Our Aims

 At our school we aim to create a caring, secure, happy and exciting place to learn: where every child is able to find their unique, individual talents and is able develop their abilities and potential to the full.  Our school is a place where we all try to do our best in all that we do.

We believe that the best learning takes place in a PARTNERSHIP; a real partnership between children, parents, all of the school staff and the local community.

We all wish to work together to:

  • Help children to become thinkers: individuals who can make informed decisions and develop lively, inquiring minds
  • Nurture every individual: to provide them with a stimulating environment that gives opportunities for healthy, physical development and expression.
  • Enable children to acquire knowledge and the skills that will help them lead full and useful lives
  • Help everyone to respect the views of others; to respect their own and other cultures, people and races; ensuring that high expectations of behaviour are maintained by all involved with the school.
  • Encourage good manners, awareness of others and the ability to become more independent in all that we do.
  • Help children to understand the World in which they live, prepare for the future and enjoy the present; allowing everyone a time for quiet, for reflection and appreciation of creation and wonder in everything that is around them
  • Motivate all children to ensure that every child achieves as well as they can in all subjects and in all that they do; to enjoy challenges.


We will work to achieve these aims by:

  • Providing a variety of learning and social opportunities and a curriculum that is appropriate to each child’s ability and needs.
  • Providing opportunities for children to develop their skills of investigation, enquiry, communication and co-operation.
  • Promoting the dignity, value and status of all through equality of opportunity regardless of gender, race or ability.
  • Creating rich, stimulating and exciting learning opportunities based on the requirements of the National Curriculum, developing cross-curricular opportunities, which enhance learning even further.
  • Ensuring that all learning opportunities are suitably differentiated so that all can achieve at their own individual level.
  • Ensuring that all children have the right to protection and promotion of heir own welfare, regardless of age, gender, race, culture or disability.  They have the right to be safe in our school.